// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.tencent.b.b; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.location.Location; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import com.tencent.b.a.a.b; import com.tencent.b.a.a.c; import com.tencent.b.a.a.d; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; // Referenced classes of package com.tencent.b.b: // B, C, e, m, // f, s, b, c, // z, A, y, t, // a public final class n implements b.a, e.b, f.a, m.a { private static boolean t = false; private static n u = null; private d A; private int B; private int C; private int D; private String E; private String F; private String G; private String H; private String I; private String J; private boolean K; private boolean L; private long M; private Handler N; private Runnable O; private final BroadcastReceiver P = new C(this); private long a; private Context b; private e c; private m d; private f e; private int f; private int g; private com.tencent.b.b.c h; private com.tencent.b.b.b i; private b j; private int k; private int l; private int m; private byte n[]; private byte o[]; private boolean p; private y q; private z r; private A s; private long v; private e.a w; private m.b x; private f.b y; private d z; private n() { a = 5000L; b = null; c = null; d = null; e = null; f = 1024; g = 4; h = null; i = null; j = null; n = new byte[0]; o = new byte[0]; p = false; q = null; r = null; s = null; v = -1L; w = null; x = null; y = null; z = null; A = null; B = 0; C = 0; D = 1; E = ""; F = ""; G = ""; H = ""; I = ""; J = ""; K = false; L = false; M = 0L; N = null; O = new B(this); c = new e(); d = new m(); e = new f(); } static long a(n n1) { return n1.M; } static long a(n n1, long l1) { n1.M = l1; return l1; } static A a(n n1, A a1) { n1.s = null; return null; } public static n a() { com/tencent/b/b/n; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; n n1; if (u == null) { u = new n(); } n1 = u; com/tencent/b/b/n; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return n1; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; } private static ArrayList a(JSONArray jsonarray) { int i1 = jsonarray.length(); ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < i1; j1++) { JSONObject jsonobject = jsonarray.getJSONObject(j1); arraylist.add(new c(jsonobject.getString("name"), jsonobject.getString("addr"), jsonobject.getString("catalog"), jsonobject.getDouble("dist"), Double.parseDouble(jsonobject.getString("latitude")), Double.parseDouble(jsonobject.getString("longitude")))); } return arraylist; } static void a(n n1, int i1) { if (i1 == 0) { n1.w = null; } int j1; if (i1 == 0) { j1 = 1; } else { j1 = 2; } n1.f = j1; if (n1.j != null) { n1.j.onStatusUpdate(n1.f); } } static void a(n n1, Location location) { if (location == null || location.getLatitude() > 359D || location.getLongitude() > 359D) { if (n1.w != null && n1.w.a()) { n1.b(true); } else { n1.e(); } } n1.z = new d(); n1.z.z = 0; n1.z.y = 0; n1.z.b = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getLatitude(), 6); n1.z.c = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getLongitude(), 6); if (n1.w != null && n1.w.a()) { n1.z.e = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(n1.w.b().getAccuracy(), 1); n1.z.d = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(n1.w.b().getAltitude(), 1); n1.z.f = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(n1.w.b().getSpeed(), 1); n1.z.g = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(n1.w.b().getBearing(), 1); n1.z.a = 0; } n1.z.x = true; if (n1.l != 0 && n1.A != null && n1.B == 0) { if ((n1.l == 3 || n1.l == 4) && n1.l == n1.A.z) { n1.z.i = n1.A.i; n1.z.j = n1.A.j; n1.z.k = n1.A.k; n1.z.l = n1.A.l; n1.z.m = n1.A.m; n1.z.n = n1.A.n; n1.z.o = n1.A.o; n1.z.p = n1.A.p; n1.z.z = 3; } if (n1.l == 4 && n1.l == n1.A.z && n1.A.w != null) { n1.z.w = new ArrayList(); c c1; for (Iterator iterator = n1.A.w.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); n1.z.w.add(new c(c1))) { c1 = (c)iterator.next(); } n1.z.z = 4; } if (n1.l == 7 && n1.l == n1.A.z) { n1.z.z = 7; n1.z.h = n1.A.h; n1.z.i = n1.A.i; if (n1.A.h == 0) { n1.z.j = n1.A.j; n1.z.k = n1.A.k; n1.z.l = n1.A.l; n1.z.m = n1.A.m; n1.z.n = n1.A.n; n1.z.o = n1.A.o; n1.z.p = n1.A.p; } else { n1.z.q = n1.A.q; n1.z.r = n1.A.r; n1.z.s = n1.A.s; n1.z.t = n1.A.t; n1.z.u = n1.A.u; n1.z.v = n1.A.v; } } } if (n1.B != 0 || n1.A != null) { if (n1.B != 0) { n1.z.y = n1.B; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - n1.v >= n1.a && n1.j != null && n1.k == 1) { n1.j.onLocationUpdate(n1.z); n1.v = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } static void a(n n1, e.a a1) { if (a1 != null) { n1.w = a1; if (n1.k == 1 && n1.w != null && n1.w.a()) { if (n1.m == 0) { n1.b(false); return; } if (n1.m == 1 && n1.i != null) { com.tencent.b.b.b b1 = n1.i; double d1 = n1.w.b().getLatitude(); double d2 = n1.w.b().getLongitude(); Context _tmp = n1.b; b1.a(d1, d2, n1); return; } } } } static void a(n n1, f.b b1) { if (b1 != null) { n1.y = b1; n1.d(); } } static void a(n n1, m.b b1) { n1.x = b1; if (n1.e != null && n1.e.b() && n1.e.c()) { n1.e.a(0L); return; } if (n1.C > 0 && !com.tencent.b.b.s.a(b1.a, b1.b, b1.c, b1.d, b1.e)) { n1.C = -1 + n1.C; } n1.d(); } static void a(n n1, String s1) { if (com.tencent.b.b.s.c(s1)) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: if (n1.C <= 0) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: n1.C = -1 + n1.C; _L9: return; _L4: if (n1.k == 0 && n1.j != null) { n1.j.onLocationDataUpdate(null, -1); return; } if (n1.k == 1 && n1.j != null) { n1.z = new d(); n1.B = 3; n1.z.y = 3; n1.z.z = -1; n1.j.onLocationUpdate(n1.z); return; } continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ _L2: if (n1.k != 0 || n1.j == null) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: byte abyte1[] = s1.getBytes(); byte abyte0[] = abyte1; _L7: n1.j.onLocationDataUpdate(abyte0, 0); return; Exception exception; exception; abyte0 = null; if (true) goto _L7; else goto _L6 _L6: String s2; if (n1.h == null) { s2 = null; } else if (n1.x != null && n1.y != null) { s2 = n1.h.b(n1.x.b, n1.x.c, n1.x.d, n1.x.e, n1.y.a()); } else { s2 = null; } if (s2 != null) { n1.a(s2); return; } if (n1.h != null && n1.x != null && n1.y != null) { n1.h.a(n1.x.b, n1.x.c, n1.x.d, n1.x.e, n1.y.a()); } if (!n1.p) { if (n1.r != null) { n1.r.interrupt(); } n1.r = null; n1.r = new z(n1, s1); n1.r.start(); return; } if (true) goto _L9; else goto _L8 _L8: } private void a(String s1) { JSONObject jsonobject; d d1; z = new d(); jsonobject = new JSONObject(s1); JSONObject jsonobject1 = jsonobject.getJSONObject("location"); z.a = 1; z.b = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(jsonobject1.getDouble("latitude"), 6); z.c = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(jsonobject1.getDouble("longitude"), 6); z.d = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(jsonobject1.getDouble("altitude"), 1); z.e = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(jsonobject1.getDouble("accuracy"), 1); d1 = z; boolean flag; String s2; int i1; int j1; int k1; d d2; double d3; double d4; int i2; JSONObject jsonobject3; if (m == 1) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } d1.x = flag; s2 = jsonobject.getString("bearing"); i1 = -100; j1 = 0; if (s2 == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_193; } k1 = s2.split(",").length; j1 = 0; if (k1 <= 1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_193; } j1 = Integer.parseInt(s2.split(",")[1]); if (x != null) { i1 = x.f; } d2 = z; d3 = z.e; if (j1 >= 6) { d4 = 40D; } else if (j1 == 5) { d4 = 60D; } else if (j1 == 4) { d4 = 70D; } else if (j1 == 3) { d4 = 90D; } else if (j1 == 2) { d4 = 110D; } else { int l1; if (i1 >= -72 && j1 == 0) { l1 = 10 * (int)((0.45000000000000001D * d3) / 10D); } else if (d3 <= 100D) { l1 = 10 * (int)(1.0D + (d3 - 1.0D) / 10D); } else if (d3 > 100D && d3 <= 800D) { l1 = 10 * (int)((0.84999999999999998D * d3) / 10D); } else { l1 = 10 * (int)((0.80000000000000004D * d3) / 10D); } d4 = l1; } d2.e = d4; z.z = 0; if ((l == 3 || l == 4) && m == 1) { JSONObject jsonobject4 = jsonobject.getJSONObject("details").getJSONObject("subnation"); z.a(jsonobject4.getString("name")); z.m = jsonobject4.getString("town"); z.n = jsonobject4.getString("village"); z.o = jsonobject4.getString("street"); z.p = jsonobject4.getString("street_no"); z.z = 3; z.h = 0; } if (l == 4 && m == 1) { JSONArray jsonarray = jsonobject.getJSONObject("details").getJSONArray("poilist"); z.w = a(jsonarray); z.z = 4; } if (l != 7 || m != 1) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: JSONObject jsonobject2 = jsonobject.getJSONObject("details"); i2 = jsonobject2.getInt("stat"); jsonobject3 = jsonobject2.getJSONObject("subnation"); if (i2 != 0) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: z.a(jsonobject3.getString("name")); z.m = jsonobject3.getString("town"); z.n = jsonobject3.getString("village"); z.o = jsonobject3.getString("street"); z.p = jsonobject3.getString("street_no"); _L6: z.h = i2; z.z = 7; _L2: z.y = 0; A = new d(z); B = 0; if (h != null) { h.a(s1); } _L7: if (j != null && k == 1 && (w == null || !w.a())) { j.onLocationUpdate(z); v = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return; _L4: if (i2 != 1) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: z.i = jsonobject3.getString("nation"); z.q = jsonobject3.getString("admin_level_1"); z.r = jsonobject3.getString("admin_level_2"); z.s = jsonobject3.getString("admin_level_3"); z.t = jsonobject3.getString("locality"); z.u = jsonobject3.getString("sublocality"); z.v = jsonobject3.getString("route"); goto _L6 Exception exception; exception; z = new d(); z.z = -1; z.y = 2; B = 2; goto _L7 } static boolean a(n n1, boolean flag) { n1.p = flag; return flag; } static boolean a(boolean flag) { t = true; return true; } static f b(n n1) { return n1.e; } static void b(n n1, int i1) { int j1 = 3; if (i1 == j1) { j1 = 4; } n1.g = j1; if (n1.j != null) { n1.j.onStatusUpdate(n1.g); } } static void b(n n1, String s1) { n1.a(s1); } private void b(boolean flag) { if (w != null && w.a()) { Location location = w.b(); z = new d(); z.b = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getLatitude(), 6); z.c = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getLongitude(), 6); z.d = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getAltitude(), 1); z.e = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getAccuracy(), 1); z.f = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getSpeed(), 1); z.g = com.tencent.b.b.s.a(location.getBearing(), 1); z.a = 0; z.x = false; if (!flag) { z.y = 0; } else { z.y = 1; } z.z = 0; A = new d(z); B = 0; if (System.currentTimeMillis() - v >= a && j != null && k == 1) { j.onLocationUpdate(z); v = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } static String c(n n1, String s1) { n1.E = s1; return s1; } static void c(n n1) { n1.d(); } static boolean c() { return t; } static y d(n n1) { return n1.q; } static String d(n n1, String s1) { n1.F = s1; return s1; } private void d() { if (s != null) { return; } else { s = new A(this, w, x, y); s.start(); return; } } static int e(n n1) { return n1.B; } static String e(n n1, String s1) { n1.G = s1; return s1; } private void e() { z = new d(); B = 1; z.y = 1; z.z = -1; z.a = 1; if (j != null && k == 1) { j.onLocationUpdate(z); } } static e.a f(n n1) { return n1.w; } static String f(n n1, String s1) { n1.I = s1; return s1; } static void g(n n1) { n1.e(); } static int h(n n1) { return n1.D; } static int i(n n1) { return n1.m; } static void j(n n1) { } static Context k(n n1) { return n1.b; } static String l(n n1) { return n1.E; } static String m(n n1) { return n1.F; } static String n(n n1) { return n1.G; } static int o(n n1) { return n1.g; } static m p(n n1) { return n1.d; } static String q(n n1) { return n1.H; } static boolean r(n n1) { return n1.K; } static int s(n n1) { return n1.l; } static String t(n n1) { return n1.I; } static String u(n n1) { return n1.J; } public final void a(double d1, double d2) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(6); Location location = new Location("Deflect"); location.setLatitude(d1); location.setLongitude(d2); message.obj = location; q.sendMessage(message); } } public final void a(int i1) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(4, i1, 0); q.sendMessage(message); } } public final void a(e.a a1) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(1, a1); q.sendMessage(message); } } public final void a(f.b b1) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(3, b1); q.sendMessage(message); } } public final void a(m.b b1) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(2, b1); q.sendMessage(message); } } public final boolean a(Context context, b b1) { byte abyte0[] = n; abyte0; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; if (context == null || b1 == null) { return false; } if (com.tencent.b.b.s.a(J)) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_33; } abyte0; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return false; q = new y(this); N = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); b = context; j = b1; com.tencent.b.b.t.a().a(b.getApplicationContext()); ConnectivityManager connectivitymanager = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService("connectivity"); if (connectivitymanager == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_119; } if (connectivitymanager.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null) { K = connectivitymanager.getActiveNetworkInfo().isRoaming(); } b.registerReceiver(P, new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE")); _L2: boolean flag; boolean flag1; boolean flag2; k = j.getReqType(); l = j.getReqLevel(); m = j.getReqGeoType(); v = -1L; if (l == 7) { l = 0; } L = false; D = 1; flag = c.a(this, b); flag1 = d.a(b, this); flag2 = e.a(b, this, 1); h = com.tencent.b.b.c.a(); i = com.tencent.b.b.b.a(); w = null; x = null; y = null; z = null; A = null; B = 0; if (h != null) { h.b(); } C = 1; if (!flag) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_327; } if (m != 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_327; } abyte0; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return true; if (flag1 || flag2) { return true; } return false; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; Exception exception1; exception1; if (true) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: } public final boolean a(String s1, String s2) { byte abyte0[] = n; abyte0; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; if (!com.tencent.b.b.a.a().a(s1, s2)) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_27; } J = s1; return true; abyte0; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return false; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; } public final void b() { Exception exception; synchronized (n) { try { if (j != null) { j = null; N.removeCallbacks(O); b.unregisterReceiver(P); c.a(); d.a(); e.a(); } } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Exception exception) { } } } public final void b(int i1) { synchronized (o) { Message message = q.obtainMessage(5, i1, 0); q.sendMessage(message); } } }